GOAT Santa Cruz

Targeted Coaching Series (3/6)
with Luisa K.

October 12 (Saturday)
at 11:15 am

Class length
60 minutes

TRX Runway at 1055 17th Ave

IMPORTANT NOTE - $1 to reserve your spot via Punchpass. To officially enroll, cost for the nutrition series is $60. Payment will be made separately to Luisa Kremenetsky.  Payment info will be sent to those enrolled.

Join us for six workshops designed to maximize your results. With our 12-week strength series in mind, these workshops are all about making nutrition and lifestyle adjustments that align perfectly with your strength goals. From fueling strategies to habit-building, you’ll get the guidance you need to see real progress and lasting results outside of the gym.

Sept 14: Carbs, Fats, and Fueling Strength
Sept 28: Stress and Sleep: The Overlooked Keys to Muscle Growth
Oct 12: Mindset and Discipline for Consistency
Oct 26: Strategic Meal Planning for Busy Lifestyles
Nov 2: Advanced Nutrition Strategies for Strength Gains
Nov 16: Sustaining Your Results Beyond the Program

Questions? Please feel free to email Luisa at [email protected]
This class is part of a series.
You may also sign up for the entire series of classes: Targeted Coaching Series


Making a reservation on this page will only register you for this individual class, not the entire series of classes.

Sorry - that class has already taken place!
